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Faith That Moves Mountains,
Love That Heals Empowering.

Ronald James Soul Healing Ministries_edi
He rose with all power

Welcome Friends

He rose with all power

I'm Ronald James


At Soul Healing Ministries, I am dedicated to spreading biblical teachings and preaching sound fundamentals to the masses. My mission is to share biblical principles that are applicable to everyday lives and to bring hope to the downtrodden through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.​

This website features biblical sermons, social media links and blog messages. These resources are designed to provide spiritual guidance and inspiration to all who seek it. God has a special plan for you. (Jeremiah 29:11).

It is my commitment to delivering a message of hope that is both simple and effective for every Bible believer. I believe in the power of the Gospel to transform lives and bring comfort in times of need. (Romans 1:16)

I want you to know that at Soul Healing Ministries, you have friends who understands the challenges of life. We are here to guide you towards the love and care of a God who offers solutions to every issue. Our goal is to support you on your spiritual journey and help you find peace and strength through the teachings of the Bible.

Thank you for joining us at Soul Healing Ministries and discovering a source of comfort, guidance, and hope in the message of Jesus Christ. Let us walk together on the path of faith and healing.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope..”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

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